Estheticians, Cosmetologist & Beauty School students,
I want to teach you how to become a great Brazilian waxer and make a great living. I don’t own a wax company or a school—I’m just like you, a Brazilian waxer, and I’ll continue for as long as I can. I love my job, my suite mates, and my clients, but it wasn’t always like this. I’ve made a ton of mistakes. Learn from my mistakes and fast-track your career.
Here’s why you should take a Brazilian waxing class with me. 💋
I am a licensed esthetician and wax wizard. I’ve been waxing for over 20 years but grew tired of the corporate runaround. I was a Spa Director for 10 years and then a senior esthetician / trainer for 8 years, performing up to 20 Brazilian waxes daily. Broke, tired, and frustrated, I left the spa and my clients to start from scratch—with much anxiety and a big dream of financial freedom. I began my solo career in 2018 in a small, rundown room without a sink (it was a dump). I’m known for my 10-minute Brazilians using both hard and soft wax. I earned a Bachelor’s in Drama from San Diego State University and have been named “Esthetician of the Year” multiple times. I have also been awarded trips to Australia and Spain for training with Dermalogica, as well as leadership training in NYC with Bumble & Bumble and multiple Epicuren symposiums. I am more than just a professional; I am a knowledge-seeking beauty expert who is changing the waxing  game. There is a place for you in the beauty industry. 💋 Are you ready for it?  Libbey
 P.S. These classes are crafted for licensed estheticians, cosmetologists and beauty school students. They complement but don't replace the licensure needed to practice. Check your state's guidelines!

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I can teach you to do a Brazilian wax in 10 minutes. Combining hard and soft wax is magic. Learn my top tips from over 20 years as a licensed working esthetician specializing in Brazilian waxing. Discover what you didn’t learn from the University of YouTube. 


I can teach you how to do amazing Brazilian waxing in 10 minutes. First you need to learn the proper techniques. If you're struggling with missed hairs, bruising, or lifting skin during waxing, it's a sign that you need to polish your skills. Mastering both hard and soft waxes can significantly speed up your sessions, ensure complete hair removal, and even cut down on cost of products. This efficiency builds a satisfied and loyal client base. Get trained on the insider techniques and watch your business flourish. Learn more earn more.

Yes, I want to learn more.

Learn how to increase your clientele, rebook your clients and sell new services with Groupon.

Are you struggling to gain clientele?

Do you have little or no money for advertising?

Curious about how other estheticians are nailing it?

Thought striking out on your own would be a easier?

Feeling frustrated and worried?

My class will show you the techniques to building your business plus a demonstration of my Brazilian wax so you can start building your books now.

Teach Me How

Learn body waxing with rollers: Spend less time and use less wax to make more money!

In this class, you'll master the use of roller cartridges—a fantastic method for waxing legs, backs, and arms efficiently. Roller waxing not only slashes your costs and time by half but also ensures you catch all those pesky fuzzies on the first pass.

Yes! Sign me up.

Secrets of Estheticians offers 3 online classes:
Wax Your Way to $100K
Brazilian Wax Course 
Body Waxing Course

1. Here a solution if you are trying to build your clientele with little or no advertising budget.
Wax Your Way to $100K
: This course is designed to teach estheticians how to build a clientele. It covers various topics, such as pricing strategies, marketing tactics, how to use Groupon effectively so you don't have gaps in your schedule, client retention, how to prebook clients, effective communication with clients, there is a Brazilian waxing demo, vendor product list and certificate available.

2. Looking to take your waxing skills to the next level? Consider enrolling in our Advanced Wax Training program, where you'll discover a world beyond what traditional beauty schools offer. In this comprehensive online wax class, we delve into advanced waxing techniques, equipping you with the expertise you need to excel in the beauty industry.

Brazilian Wax Course: Looking to take your waxing skills to the next level? Consider enrolling in our Advanced Wax Training program, where you'll discover a world beyond what traditional beauty schools offer. In this comprehensive online class for waxing, we delve into advanced waxing techniques, equipping you with the expertise you need to excel in the beauty industry.

Our online wax class covers three distinct types of wax: hard wax, soft wax, and sugar strip wax. You'll not only master the art of using these waxes effectively but also gain valuable insights into when and why each type is best suited for specific treatments.

One highlight of our course is the Brazilian Wax Course, designed to empower estheticians and beauty school students with the skills and knowledge needed to perform Brazilian waxing with confidence. From understanding hair growth cycles to ensuring pre- and post-waxing care. You'll learn how to use advanced waxing techniques to procedure flawlessly, avoiding common issues like lifting and bruising. This online class for waxing is focused on teaching estheticians and beauty school students how to perform Brazilian waxing from beginning to end. Additionally, we provide guidance on consent forms, recommend vendor products, and offer a digital certificate. Certificate is not a license to wax. Please follow your state guidelines.

Elevate your waxing game with our Advanced Wax Training and Brazilian Wax Course. Your clients will thank you for the exceptional results, and you'll stand out as a waxing expert in the beauty industry. Don't miss this opportunity to refine your skills and boost your career!

3. Body waxing is often preferred by estheticians and clients for several reasons: efficiency, the roller applicator can save time in the treatment room, less mess, more precise application of the wax, less pain and cost less than regular waxing methods. 

Body Waxing Course: Body waxing with rollers is great when you need to wax large parts of the body such as legs, back and arms. In the roller wax class, students are likely to learn about how to handle roller waxes, how to properly prepare the skin and wax for hair removal, and techniques for applying and removing the wax. You will also learn about aftercare for the skin to prevent irritation or ingrown hairs. Certificates and vendor product list included.

4. As Brazilian-style waxing has become more popular, people are much more aware of their intimate skin areas. 

All of these courses are intended for estheticians, beauty school students or cosmetologist who want to expand their skillset and offer additional services to their clients. If you're interested in taking any of these courses, click on the links above for more information.

These classes are for licensed estheticians, cosmetologist or beauty school students. All students must follow their state licensing.